STEM Zone has purchased Learning Materials, so our long history of exam production will continue! We will have next year’s trial exams ready for immediate purchase and download in February 2025, perfectly timed for the start of the new school year. We thank you for 
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We are thrilled to announce the winner of our 2022 competition to win an iPhone 13 & our 2023 Total Science Bundle – drum roll please Jo H. from Methodist Ladies’ College. Congratulations Jo! ********************* Dear Science Teachers,  To celebrate the launch of our new 
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A good tool needs to be used the right way. So exactly how should a study guide be used?...
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Create a schedule and set goals. Organise your time (including for free periods and after school) so that you can schedule set study periods for particular subjects, and balance these with free time and any paid...
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Contact Info
  • 2/81 Main South Road, Drouin 3818
  • 0448 003 966